Having almost reached the end of Multiply, Legambiente, between the second half of 2021 and the first months of 2022, has decided to travel among the cities participating in the project, in order to monitor the development of actions on environmental sustainability and citizen participation in the political life of their municipalities. During these visits, video interviews were carried out describing not only the results achieved within the project, but also other virtuous actions undertaken by the administrations during the last few years, aimed at improving the quality of life within the community.

Among the works shared by almost all the municipalities visited, there is the replacement of traditional lamps for public lighting with new LED ones. In the Municipality of Campi Bisenzio, for example, this energy efficiency intervention has affected 6,000 lighting points, reducing annual consumption from 3.5 GWh to 1.9 GWh.

Virtuous stories also on the building requalification front, often accompanied by integration with renewable energy. This is the case in the tourist district of Monticelli Terme, in the municipality of Montechiarugolo, where the two elementary school have undergone thermal efficiency upgrades (thermal insulation, new heating system, thermo-valves, external shutters), seismic upgrades and the installation of photovoltaic panels. A similar situation is also recorded in Fluminimaggiore with the installation of photovoltaic panels on schools, on the town hall and soon on the Carabinieri station and Ferla, in Sicily, where all school buildings are equipped with photovoltaic systems on the roof. A path aimed at renewables, that of Ferla, which sees as a spearhead the inauguration of the first Renewable Energy Community of Sicily.

There is also attention to sustainable mobility. In both Montechiarugolo and Aprilia, in fact, networks of city cycle paths have been created and electric vehicle recharging points have been installed for the use of both citizens and municipal staff. Both municipalities, indeed, have purchased electric and hybrid vehicles to carry out inspections and movements during working hours. In Aprilia, moreover, both for municipal employees and for the Local Police are available electric bicycles that, thanks to a device on the handlebars, analyze the air quality by downloading data into management software. In this way, the administration can make use of precise data to organize a strategy to combat urban pollution.

Virtuous actions also in terms of waste management. In Rocca Canterano, a small village in the Lazio region, the differentiated waste collection is carried out "door to door" and the waste is delivered to the municipal ecological island that is energy self-sufficient thanks to a photovoltaic system. In Ferla, instead, it has been organized the "punctual rate", a system thanks to which the citizens can weigh the bags of the separate collection at the eco-station obtaining discounts on the waste tax. In addition, community compost bins have been installed and a phyto-purification system for waste water will soon be operational at one of the public schools.

Last but not least, the attention paid to the policies of participation and welfare of citizens. In Campi Bisenzio and Ferla the citizenship is an active part in the strategic decisions taken by the administration thanks to moments of exchange organized by the municipality. In Campi Bisenzio, moreover, every year a shared fund of 200,000 euros is allocated, which the citizens themselves can decide how to spend to make improvements in their neighborhood. In addition, there are urban vegetable gardens for use by private citizens, 10% of whose harvest is allocated to people in socio-economic difficulty and to municipal schools. A similar example of attention to the weaker sections of the population can be found in Fluminimaggiore, where a project aimed at assisting the elderly who live in isolated conditions is underway.